Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rat race

You probably know this situation: You want to reach something in life, and you do everything you can to make it. Then one morning you wake up and realize that you are a serious burn-out case, and that you have debts to your bank too. You watch the ceiling and wonder how everything started.

A few days ago Thomas caught me in a situation where I started to go into my treadmill again. He helped me to get more aware of my personal “rat race”:

“People have troubles to come out of their burn-out syndrome. These people believe that they have to rest when they have a burn out. They believe that they have to rest, to do nothing.

"Well, they rest and they do nothing until they feel recovered. But while they are resting they create so many new debts, that as soon as they would like to start again with full powers, they find so many open things which are to be done, that they are already overtaxed again. A burn out is not going to disappear after one rest.

"It is the same with debts. If you have debts it doesn't help to pay for some months. While paying your debts you have to do everything you can do to not create more debts! To be able to do this prevention you need to be aware of where you create your debts. You have to do this while paying your old debts. In a situation like this you just have no time to rest. This is very simple.

"Imagine – there are people who take care of their bodies, of their minds, they do emotional cleanings and so on. They would be total idiots in comparison to the ones making debts, if the ones making debts would have the same results as the ones who take care and invest so much more. They prevent so much more.

"This is what we see nowadays in every area: People who are in a crisis suffer. This happens because they rested too long. They rested on kind of “credit-mentality”. They built too long on this system. They made debts over debts. And finally there is a point where it just doesn’t go further any more like this.”

Ever since a question has echoed in my mind: Am I simply a "lazy rat"? In that case I could use my laziness, and do everything I need to do the most effective way... save time, money and energy – while paying my debts efficiently.

Stefanie Huttner

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